Welcome to the newly revamped Beloit Memorial High School Class of 1957 website, www.beloit1957.com
Many years ago Al Stenli designed a web site for our class. After his death the website was maintained online but not further updated or developed until just recently in anticipation of our 65th Class Reunion. Hopefully the redesign with a simple address will be helpful and interesting to at least some of those interested in people from the Class of 1957. We have been able to site the newly named site where we would not further incur ongoing costs in maintaining the site online.
If you are reading this you have been able to find the web site. You should note the bar at the top which has labels: 1957, Planned Events, Classmates, In Memoriam, Events and Class Communications.
1957 is part of the old web site, and has a sheet on “as things were in 1957”. Some of the areas otherwise noted are tied into the new web site for the most part.
Planned Events has whatever events may be planned. Of note is the Saturday Class Breakfasts schedule. By the time most of you view the site the schedule for the 65th Class Reunion will be history, but future events of whatever nature should be in this section.
Classmates references a Contact List which has been recently updated and hopefully will be kept up to date. The plan was to put the contact list on the website but we were advised such is a bad idea. So, if you want to contact somebody and you do not have their contact information you can obtain whatever addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses we have by contacting Sharyn Walmer Pann. The best way to contact her to preserve her sanity and your contact information is to write to her including your contact information so she can contact you with whatever information she has available. Also if you will please let her know of any change in your contact information to help keep our records up to date. Also in the Classmates section we had planned on including the Information Sheets collected for the 65th Reunion, however such included personal information and contact information and which we are advised we should not publish on the internet. So a couple copies of such sheets will be available at the reunion for anybody to view. (Sorry, but that’s the world we live in.)
In Memoriam is in the process of being put together. It does have a lot of information and if anybody has anything to add please send it to Sharyn. It has three sections. One is an alfa listing of deceased class members by last names, one an alfa listing by maiden name, and the third section has some obits we have. We hope to receive more information and be able to better update the whole section. Leonard Dygart and Sharyn Pann have been trying to keep records of our deceased classmates, along with a number of obits we received from Mary Thorpe Waite’s children after her death. We also have a lot of pictures she had which we hope will soon appear on the website.
Events is mainly a collection of pictures we have from various class events. Its not perfect but might be interesting. If you click on a picture it should enlarge for better viewing. Again let us know if you have any pictures from any of the events and we will try to include them on the site. We do have a bunch which will hope to put on the site in the near future, and hopefully we will have some from the 65th Reunion ”get togethers”.
Class Communications is an open forum where anybody can send us communications of whatever nature for possible inclusion on the web site. Since the site is an open forum we are advised we need to review new postings before they are formally put on the site to eliminate communications which might be inappropriate. (Again such is the world we live in these days.) To post a communication please send to beloit1957@gmail.com
The web site was developed by John Thorpe (son of Roz and Jim Thorpe) and John’s son Max (a graduate student at the University of Michigan). They put a lot of effort into the site and made the new site possible. John also maintains the server on which the site is located, and hopefully John and Max will be more than helpful in updating and improving the site well into the future for our Classmates and any parties who are interested in our Class activities etc., which may include spouses and relatives of our Classmates.